Immad Amir
Editorial Director
I’m Immad, a passionate home cook, and I proudly hold the role of editorial director at the amazing Specially Fried! My culinary skills are not just a hobby – they’re a thrilling adventure that I embark on daily. From experimenting with the coolest kitchen gadgets to infusing each dish with my boundless creativity, I’m on a mission to revolutionize the food blogging scene. Join me as I take you on a rollercoaster ride through flavors and innovation!
Latest Articles By Immad Amir
Can You Use Foil In An Air Fryer
Can you actually USE FOIL in an AIR FRYER? Is it actually hazardous or is all of that just a myth? Find out NOW!
air fryer vs steam fryer
Despite seeming the same, what are the main differences between an air fryer and a steam fryer? Which one should you purchase? Read now!
How Long To Dehydrate Strawberries In an Air fryer
How long should you dehydrate your strawberries in an air fryer to get the best result? What temperature should you set? We have the answers!
what are the parts of an air fryer
An air fryer is a simple appliance but it does have loads of parts! Read now if you want to learn all about its different components!
Is Your Microwave Harmful for Health
A 2020 research on microwave and its affects on health by Specially Fried. Is your microwave oven harmful for your health? Find out here! © 2020-2023 HACKIVA, LTD. All Rights Reserved.