Specially FriedFreezeCan You Freeze Goat Milk at Home? Tips and Techniques!
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Can You Freeze Goat Milk at Home? Tips and Techniques!

Immad Amir
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Immad is a talented home cook and editorial director at Specially Fried. With his culinary expertise, love for gadgets and creative flair, he brings a fresh perspective to the world of food blogging.
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Lisa is a nutritionist with a passion for promoting healthy eating habits. With her expertise, she meticulously cross-checks the content on Specially Fried, ensuring accurate and reliable nutrition information.

Can You Freeze Goat Milk at Home_ – Tips and Techniques!
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If you’re health-conscious and like to include a healthy diet in your routine, you probably have already stumbled across goat milk and its benefits. From its anti-inflammatory properties to its high vitamin and calcium content, goat milk is an undeniable powerhouse of nutrients. 

However, the problem is not the lack of awareness of its benefits but rather the difficulty of its storage. Thus, in this article, we will be discussing whether you can freeze goat milk or not and ways of storing it. 

Yes! Not only is goat milk safe to freeze, but it does not lose its taste after freezing either. It is preferable to freeze it right on the day of purchase. If you freeze the goat milk perfectly, it can last up to 6 months!

What is the best way to freeze goat milk?

You can freeze goat milk by transferring it into a sealable bag and ensuring that ¼ of the bag is empty as the milk will expand upon freezing. Push all the air out, seal the bag, then put it inside another sealable bag to prevent leakage. Squeeze the second bag’s air out and put this package inside the freezer.

This, above, was the freezer bag method for freezing goat milk; however, there are multiple ways to freeze goat milk. We’ve discussed some alternate methods below!

Freezing in canning jars 

Step 1: Pasteurize and strain

If you are using raw milk, you might want to pasteurize it and then strain it to remove impurities.

Step 2: Transfer in small jars

Now you can transfer the milk in small jars (preferably pint jars). Make sure to only fill them 1/4th or half the way to let them cool easily.

Step 3: Put the jars into the freezer

Place the jars in the freezer without the lids for half an hour.

Step 4: Swirl to prevent separation

You’d need to swirl the milk every ten minutes or so to keep it from separating. 

Step 5: Transfer to bigger jars for storage

Once the jars have been cooled, you can transfer the milk to bigger jars (half-gallon jars) and seal them with lids. Make sure you fill them only 3/4th of the capacity so that the milk has room to expand once frozen.

Step 6: Place jars in storage bags and freeze!

Before placing these bigger jars in the freezer, place them in storage or freezing bags. If you have a chest freezer, place these bags with the jars in them at the bottom of the chest freezer. Just make sure the jars do not tip over. 

Freezing in Tupperware box

You can also freeze goat milk inside a Tupperware box. Just transfer the milk into small Tupperware boxes so that thawing is easier. Place the boxes inside the freezer for freezing, and you’re done!

Also, read this article on how you can freeze cooked rice noodles!

How to thaw frozen goat milk?

To thaw the goat milk, take the milk in the bags out and remove the outer bag. Place the milk bag on a plate to catch leakage, and put the plate in the fridge for three to four days. Shake the bag occasionally to blend the milk and avoid separation. 

What is the best container to freeze milk in?

The container you use to store your milk in will be of great significance when it comes to your comfort and manageability. Thus we have listed some containers and their features that would let you decide your pick.

Mason/Canning jarsGlassEasy to clean, reusable
Silicon freezer bagsSiliconeReusable, airtight, environment-friendly
Ziplock plastic bagsPlasticConvenient, airtight
Plastic containersPlasticConvenient, don’t crack, airtight
Ice cube traysPlastic/SiliconeFlexible, reusable

Tip: Just make sure to purchase the containers in smaller sizes so that the milk thawing process is easier for you!

This article on freezing jicama might also catch your interest!

How long can raw goat milk sit out?

The maximum time goat milk can sit out is 2 hours. If the temperature is 90°F or more, refrigerate your milk within an hour as bacteria, and food-borne pathogens grow faster in higher temperatures. Even pasteurized milk should be refrigerated within these time frames.

Does goat milk spoil?

Yes, goat milk can spoil quickly if not stored properly. You will notice a sour smell and lumpy texture if it goes bad. It is not recommended to consume spoilt goat milk, but if you mistakenly do, the taste would be very bitter. 

Some natural causes of goat milk going bad include the presence of E. coli and Salmonella. These are some bacteria that are naturally present in the milk and might overgrow and spoil it. Psychrotrophic bacteria is a type that can even grow in cold temperatures and can make the milk go bad if left for too long in the fridge. 

How long does goat milk last in the fridge?

Pasteurized goat milk can last around 3 to 6 days in a refrigerator. However, this time frame also depends on your fridge’s temperature settings and the milk handling during pasteurization.

The pasteurization method determines the life of the milk; it can be anywhere between 2 to 7 weeks as there have been new ways to pasteurize as well.

Also, pasteurized milk becomes light-sensitive and has to be stored at a cool temperature. Thus, it is best to store the milk at the back of your fridge as it might go through temperature fluctuations if stored in the door. The ideal temperature would be 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less for the milk. 

How can you tell if goat milk has gone bad?

Goat milk will taste bitter once it has gone bad. Plus, there would be a sour smell. The milk will also have clumped and will have a yellowish color to it. 

Read this guide on how to freeze uncooked rice!

Can you drink milk straight from a goat?

Though there are some people who advocate drinking milk directly, it has been banned in most of the American states due to the health hazards that the practice poses. 

Raw milk (unpasteurized) naturally contains certain bacteria that can be very harmful to your health, Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, and Campylobacter, to name a few. All the bacteria present can cause severe food poisoning and other dangerous diseases like Guillain-Barré syndrome, which might result in paralysis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome, which in severe conditions can cause kidney failure, stroke, and even death. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of goat milk?

We have summarized the benefits and disadvantages of drinking goat milk for you in the following table:

People will usually not have the same allergic response they have to cow milk as goat milk is low in alpha s1 casein protein.It can lead to allergic responses sometimes in people with milk protein allergies.
It is low in lactose; therefore, people with milk lactose intolerance can drink it.Might still present lactose intolerance problems
High calcium contentThe unusual smell may make consumption difficult
It contains healthy fat and decreases bad cholesterol compared to cow’s milk.High fat content; unsuitable for pancreatic diseases patients
Oligosaccharides act as prebiotics and help the digestive tractMore calories compared to cow milk
Excellent source of Vitamin A, which helps children fight measlesCan cause anemia if fed to infants from the lack of Vitamin B12 and folate
Anti-inflammatory qualities 

What is the taste of goat milk?

Generally, goat milk tastes sweet, and mild and is also creamier than cow’s milk. This specific taste is because of the short and medium-chain fatty acids in the milk. The methods of pasteurization, storage, and processing can also have an effect on taste.

Should I boil raw goat milk?

It is always advisable to boil raw goat milk as it significantly kills the dangerous bacteria present in the milk naturally. However, it will give the milk a cooked flavor. Just make sure to boil it at low temperatures to prevent scorching it.

Concluding my views on freezing goat milk at home!

Freezing goat milk to preserve it is a great idea and doesn’t alter the taste of the milk that much, either. Just make sure to follow all the freezing steps properly to avoid the milk from separating once you thaw it. Also, keep the additional tips we gave in mind because they will surely come in handy!

Make sure to read this article on frozen macaroni salad!

Immad Amir
Written by
Immad is a talented home cook and editorial director at Specially Fried. With his culinary expertise, love for gadgets and creative flair, he brings a fresh perspective to the world of food blogging.
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Lisa is a nutritionist with a passion for promoting healthy eating habits. With her expertise, she meticulously cross-checks the content on Specially Fried, ensuring accurate and reliable nutrition information.

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